Monday, 22 July 2013

The House Of Hades

It's almost here. October 8. The day when we get to know what happens to Percy and Annabeth. I'm so excited. What if the "oath to keep with a final breath" means that Percy and Annabeth will die. That would be a total dissapointment. Don't read the sneak peak, it'll just make you long more for the book to rekease and  also it has no mention of what happened to Percy and Annabeth. Oh well! We'll just have to wait. PJ man out.

New Percy Jackson movie

Hello people of the world. To all you Percy Jackson fans out there, the new Percy Jackson movie is going to release. Based on the second PJ book by Rick Riordan although I suspect lots of changes. Personally, I think Alexandria Daddario shouldn't play the role of Annabeth. Anyways, if you want to view the official trailer then you can watch it on youtube. Here's the link:                                        . Bye for right now. PJ man is out.